Ethical, Equal Opportunity & Environmental Policies

Ethical, Equal Opportunity & Environmental Policies

Ethical: Planer Limited aims to work in both an efficient and ethical manner. Our aim is to be profitable but profitable in the long term and as such we believe that in pursuing our objectives good business practice is compatible with good moral practice. As far as we are able, we try to maintain awareness internally of the social and environmental implications of the products we make and the services we provide. When operating our business day to day we try to do so on fair terms to customers and suppliers and to pay suppliers in a timely way.

Equal Opportunity: As well as this external ethical policy we try to maintain a similar standard towards internal dealings with our staff and potential employees. We are an equal opportunity employer and over the years have had employees from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and varying nationalities. We do not discriminate against physical disability. We employ staff bridging all ages and in line with current policies we give due consideration to requests to continue employment over normal retirement age. We employ people not on the basis of their age, sex, race or beliefs, but on the basis of their suitability for the position required.

Environmental: Within the strict formal boundaries that medical products demand Planer Limited aims to conduct operations in as sustainable a manner as possible in order to protect the environment. As such we comply with and try to anticipate relevant environmental legislation and regulations and attempt to design future products to minimise waste and pollution. We try to make employees aware of environmental benefits both as good business housekeeping and for good environmental reasons. We try to minimise waste and emissions to air and water and review performance in this respect and we monitor energy costs. Where safe, legal and possible we refurbish equipment that otherwise might be scrapped or disposed of in an environmentally unfriendly way.
This policy may be changed from time to time so please check you have the latest issue
Planer Limited, Windmill Rd., Sunbury, TW16 7HD, UK Reg No: 651504 VAT No. GB 208 1727 77

LD-SDEA-AZFEJP issue 3 12/11/2023